Our herd sire Moofassah is registered ADGA and AGS Nigerian Dwarf who is eager to get to work. He has sired all of our beautiful Durkin babies.
Our ham goes by Moo-fahh-ss-ahhh, Fassey, Moo, Handsome, Hairball, Ham, Hamball, Sweet-love and a few other names when he’s in rutt that shouldn’t be repeated in mixed company.
Moofassah’s Pedigree:
DOB: 02/25/2019
Color: Chamoise w/ moon spots; blue eyes – Disbudded
Moofassah’s dam (Better Ways Baby Bling 86 VVE+) was the daughter of SG Old Mountain Farm Elton Jay ++*B ELITE and Wooly Dog Down Bling-A-Ling 1*M AAE
Moofassah’s sire (Waterloo Pond CR Rover) is son to Waterloo Pond PSZP Selene 4*M and Sire: Little Tots Estate PC Cruiser VEE 90

Moofassah’s Kids
Check out our KIDS For Sale Page for availability

N3 Buckling 2021

M5 Doeling 2020

M4 Doeling 2020

M2 Doeling -Polled- 2020

M1 Buckling 2020
Ancestry Photos
Courtesy of Bella Fattoria

Courtesy of Home on the Range